Wenn die Lehrer Apps bzw. Professional Services Apple bietet für Schüler eine der besten Lernerfahrungen. Dezember 2020 um 09:18 #1. If you have any questions … Offer students and teachers flexibility, choice and increased engagement with the Jamf Teacher app for Jamf Pro: a teacher tool in the form of a free iPad app that gives teachers basic management of their students’ school-issued devices and admins management of who can manage student devices and when. Falls Sie irgendwelche Vorschläge haben, was Lehrer auf diesem Bildschirm sehen möchten, dann hinterlassen Sie Ihre Ideen bitte im Community Forum. Einrichtung des Apple School Managers (ASM) Im ASM werden Geräte und Apps an den neuen Server zugeordnet. If your school or district uses Jamf School and you are interested, take a look at the Jamf Teacher app for Jamf School and other Jamf School apps available to students and teachers. Jamf School Teacher gives teachers the tools to manage their students' school-issued devices. Less distractions. If they are not assigned to the device, teachers can log in to Jamf Teacher by using their user account credentials or by navigating to the Jamf Teacher web application. In Jamf School, navigate to Organization > Settings in the sidebar. When you don't have a teacher assigned to a device, the teacher will have to log in manually by selecting the school and entering his/her credentials. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact our support team. Apple School Manager erstellt zum Hochladen von Dateien eine URL, einen Benutzernamen und ein Passwort. The teachers should get a list in the App of all classes in school with a checkbox to assign themselves to. Login. Jamf und der Unterricht Classroom Apple School Manager Die Schüler melden sich mit ihren Anmeldedaten an einem iPad an und erhalten Zugriff auf ihre Bücher, Apps und Dokumente. Revisionsverlauf. On a Mac, log in to Jamf Teacher with your institution’s URL or open the Jamf Teacher app on your school-issued iPad. Jamf is adding new teacher and parent tools for the 2019-2020 school year that includes ad-hoc classes and content filtering for parents. Are you ready to get your school organised? Click the Shared iPad payload. All rights reserved. Shared iPad - Einrichtung unter Jamf School. For more information, see Distributing Apps and Books Purchased with Apple School Manager and Distributing App Store Apps. Class Management made easy. Sie Tools wie Apple School Manager und die Classroom App, die eigens dafür entwickelt wurden, ihnen ihre täglichen Aufgaben zu erleichtern. Introducing the new Jamf Teacher app for Jamf Pro, which allows teachers to manage student access during set hours while allowing admins to configure how long restrictions may be set on student devices. For access to Jamf School-related resources, see the following resources: Jamf Online Training Catalog The Jamf Online Training catalog provides self-paced modules to help you learn about Apple device management with Jamf School, including the "Getting Started with Jamf School" series, which consists of several videos to help you initially set up Jamf School. Systemanforderungen von Jamf School; Konfigurieren von Rollen und Accounts für Administratoren in Jamf School; Von Jamf School verwendete Firewall-Ports, IP-Adressen und URLs Configuring Jamf Teacher Settings In Jamf School, navigate to Organization > Settings in the sidebar. Administratoren melden sich an und weisen den Schülern Inhalte zu. The ZuluDesk app will automatically adjust for if a student or teacher logs in. Für Lehrkräfte Jamf School revolutioniert den Unterricht. Complete with teacher, student and parent apps, Jamf School creates the optimal digital experience and ensures students are focused and engaged. Give teachers the tools to best manage their class. Wenn Sie die Kategorie Klassen wählen, sehen Sie eine Übersicht von allen Klassen die Sie verwalten können. In Jamf School, navigate to Organization > Settings in the sidebar. By enabling IT to empower end users, we bring the legendary Apple experience to businesses, education and government organizations. © copyright 2002-2021 Jamf. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact our support team. Offer students and teachers flexibility, choice and increased engagement with the Jamf Teacher app for Jamf Pro: a teacher tool in the form of a free iPad app that gives teachers basic management of their students’ school-issued devices and admins management of who can manage student devices and when. With the Jamf Pro Teacher app, teachers … 61 Prozent der Befragten fehlt nach eigener Einschätzung entsprechendes Know-how, die dann gemeinschaftlich genutzt werden. Mit unseren Verwaltungslösungen können Sie effizient eine beliebige Anzahl an Apple Geräten verwalten. Thomas In our school environment we would have this way the most flexibility and would also gain flexibility for the classroom app. Forgot password? Jamf School is a ready-made MDM for your school. The Jamf School Teacher interface is also available online via a web browser Teacher. mdm, ipados, tablets. Erfahre mehr über verwaltete Apple-IDs. So kann die Schule das Gerät für einen neuen Benutzer einrichten. Teachers are now able use the Jamf Teacher App for Jamf School, which works wirelessly, to manage student iPads on either a Mac or an iPad. Klicke auf „Vorlagen laden“, um die Vorlagendateien auf deinen Computer zu laden. Jamf School Student gives students with the tools to enhance their educational experience. Apple Geräte verwalten mit Jamf bedeutet leistungsstarke Funktionalitäten, Konfigurationsoptionen und Kom­pa­ti­bi­li­tät mit bestehenden Tools. 0 selections. Use the Jamf School Student payload to configure management settings in the Features section. Using the intuitive interface, students can install pre-approved apps, iBooks, and documents on their device and ask their teachers questions with Messages. Verwende diese Informationen zum Konfigurieren deiner SFTP-App. Jamf Online-Schulungskatalog Der Jamf Online-Schulungskatalog enthält Module, mit denen Sie sich im Selbststudium Kenntnisse über die Verwaltung von Apple Geräten mit Jamf School aneignen können. Learn more on jamf.com. 1.1K likes. Accessible management for IT, teachers and parents. Wählen Sie Ihre Schule aus und loggen Sie sich mit Ihren persönlichen Daten ein. Jamf School. Use the Jamf School Student payload to configure management settings in the Features section. This ZD Teacher app will be phased out. Instala la aplicación en el dispositivo, inicia sesión automáticamente en la aplicación con tu cuenta de Jamf School y descarga los programas, archivos y fondos que quieras utilizar e instalar en tu dispositivo macOS. Jamf School; Jamf Teacher; Jamf School Student; Jamf Parent; Vor der Verwendung. Jamf Teacher is a free mobile device app that teachers can use to manage student devices in the classroom. Jamf School, Jamf's mobile device management solution, has also seen new features added recently. ), One or more student user groups (For more information, see Creating User Groups. Die Schule benötigt ein Apple School Manager (ASM) Konto. Teachers are automatically logged in to Jamf Teacher on devices they are assigned to. When you have a teacher assigned to a device, this device will automatically log in. All contents © copyright 2002-2021 Jamf. Si en su escuela o región ya se emplea Jamf School y desea obtener más información, eche un vistazo a Jamf School Teacher y otras aplicaciones de Jamf School diseñadas para estudiantes y docentes. Falls der Lehrer seine Daten vergessen hat, ist es möglich das Passwort zurückzusetzen.€ Home Dieser Bildschirm begrüßt den Lehrer nach dem Anmelden bei „ZuluDesk Teacher Online“. Jamf School — Mobile Device Management für den Bildungsbereich. Mit der App können Apple Geräte auf schnelle, einfache Weise verwaltet werden. Jamf School, una plataforma basada en ZuluDesk, es una solución de gestión de dispositivos móviles (MDM) diseñada a la medida del sector educativo. Jamf Teacher gives teachers the tools to manage their students' school-issued devices. Here’s how Jamf School Teacher enables teachers to guide students: Prepare lessons; Whitelist apps; Manage access; Lock iPads; Send messages; Build ad-hoc classrooms; Share lessons; Download the PDF for full details. … A teacher user group (For more information, see Creating User Groups. Schülern mit Jamf School sperren (obwohl dies möglich wäre). Looking for something else? It would be great if teachers could assiggn themselves to a class within the teacher iOS App. Thanks a lot. Forgot password? Get everything your organization needs for end-to-end Apple Enterprise Management. Jamf School Teacher. Exceed the expectations. Dank ihrer intuitiven Web-Benutzeroberfläche ist die Bereitstellung, Bestandsführung und Absicherung von Macs, iPads und iPhones einfacher denn je. 0 selections. You can also remove restrictions set by Jamf Teacher from student devices by using a quick action command. Jamf School Teacher gives teachers the tools to manage their students' school-issued devices. Using the intuitive interface, students can install pre-approved apps, iBooks, and documents on their device and ask their teachers questions with Messages. We've a "dummy teacher" assigned to the teacher iPad. Damit Sie Apple-Geräte über den JAMF-Server verwalten können, müssen einige Vorarbeiten erledigt werden. ), One or more teacher users with login credentials assigned to the teacher user group (For more information, see Creating User Accounts and Generating User Account Credentials. Jamf Teacher; Jamf School Student; Jamf Parent; Vor der Verwendung. Class Management made easy. Features Offer students and teachers flexibility, choice and increased engagement with the Jamf Pro Teacher app: a free iPad app that gives teachers basic management of their students’ school-issued devices. Jamf School Student gives students with the tools to enhance their educational experience. Kann mir jemand in 5 Schritten sagen, wie ich vorgehen muss und wie bekomme ich hier (siehe … Endgeräte. This article explains how to configure and deploy the Jamf Teacher app with Jamf School. Give teachers the tools to best manage their class. You can distribute the Jamf Teacher app by adding the app from the App Store to Jamf School or by purchasing it through Apps and Books in Apple School Manager. Integrate with Apple School Manager—Integrating Jamf Pro with Apple School Manager allows you to import students, teachers, and classes from Apple School Manager. Depending on the software your school uses to manage devices, you may be able to use the Jamf Teacher computer and web app. - Jamf Teacher is now available in Jamf Pro – Jamf Teacher is a free mobile app that allows teachers to have limited management of student's school-issued devices when integrated with Jamf Pro. Beide Anwendungen ergänzen sich hier perfekt. Mit der Jamf School Teacher App grenze ich die iPads meiner Schüler auf be-stimmte Apps und Webseiten für die Schulstunde ein und kann zum Beispiel auch mit den Schülern über deren Jamf School Student App kommunizie - ren. ich neben Jamf School Teacher auch die App Apple Classroom. Klassen. Using the intuitive interface, you can restrict which apps Empower your teachers and students with Jamf School. Features Offer students and teachers flexibility, choice and increased engagement with the Jamf Pro Teacher app: a free iPad app that gives teachers basic management of their students’ school-issued devices. ‎Jamf School Student gives students with the tools to enhance their educational experience. Jamf School ist ein leistungsstarkes und preiswertes mobiles Gerätemanagement-System für das moderne, digitale Klassenzimmer. The teachers should get a list in the App of all classes in school with a checkbox to assign themselves to. Er … Eventbrite – Gesellschaft für digitale Bildung mbH präsentiert Jamf School – Einrichtung und Verwaltung von iPads – Donnerstag, 19. Thomas „Jamf-School“ plant dem Begrüßungsbildschirm weitere Funktionen hinzuzufügen. Configuring the Jamf Teacher App in Jamf School, Setting Up Administrator Roles and Accounts in Jamf School, Firewall Ports, IP Addresses, and URLs Used by Jamf School, Creating, Renewing, or Deleting an Apple Push Certificate, Integrating Jamf School with Apple School Manager, Synchronizing an LDAP Directory Service with Jamf School, Customizing the Automated Device Enrollment Experience, Troubleshooting Errors During Device Enrollment, Purchasing Device Licenses in Jamf School, Renewing or Replacing a Server Token from Apple School Manager, Viewing and Editing Device Inventory Information in Jamf School, Quick Action Commands for Device Management, Configuring a Printer Management Profile for Computers, Configuring a Privacy Preferences Policy Control Profile for Computers, Downloading a Supervision Identity for Use in Apple Configurator 2, Understanding Managed Apps in Jamf School, Distributing Apps and Books Purchased with Apple School Manager, Configuring and Distributing Apple's Classroom App, Renewing or Replacing a Service Token from Apple School Manager, Setting Up LDAP Authentication in Jamf School, Setting Up the Cisco Security Connector App with Jamf School, Configuring and Deploying the iboss cloud Enterprise App using Jamf School, Binding Computers to Active Directory or Open Directory, Configuring Kerberos as an App Extension SSO, Creating a Log File Using Apple Configurator 2, Replacing Licenses on Broken or Damaged Devices, Configuring the Jamf School Student App in Jamf School, Configuring the Jamf Parent App in Jamf School, Using Apple's Classroom App and Jamf Teacher, Jamf School Deployment Guide and Documentation. If teachers do not see Jamf Teacher on their device after it is distributed, make sure that the settings configured in Organization > Settings > Jamf School Teacher do not conflict with the settings applied to the teacher user account. Das System wurde ursprünglich 2014 unter dem Namen Zukudesk in einer Schule in den Niederlanden entwickelt. Jamf School basiert auf der Funktionalität von ZuluDesk. Passwort erstellen. ‎Jamf School Teacher gives teachers the tools to manage their students' school-issued devices. This automatically creates new users and classes in Jamf Pro for use with Apple's Classroom app. ), One or more student users with login credentials assigned to a student user group (For more information, see Creating User Accounts and Generating User Account Credentials.). The Jamf School Teacher app complements Apple’s own Classroom app — so the advantages of both systems can be conveniently used together. It might be required to restart the app completely after the configuration is pushed in order to be signed in as the dummy teacher … Jamf School … Using the intuitive interface, students can install pre-approved apps, iBooks, and documents on their device and ask their teachers questions with Messages. The Jamf Teacher web application URL is the full URL for the Jamf School server followed by “/teacher”. Mit Jamf haben Sie diese Erfahrungen direkt in der Hand ! Thanks a lot. This guide takes a deep-dive into important educational technology aspects and covers how to improve and maintain a successful distance-learning program. For more information on the features in Jamf Teacher, see Jamf Teacher App Overview. Teacher. Apple School Manager ist ausschließlich dem Bildungsbereich vorbehalten. Provide secure access to the resources users need, Approachable management for IT & Educators, Protect from security threats and monitor for compliance. Die App „Jamf School Teacher“ ist auf die Anforderungen der Lehrkräfte zugeschnitten. Better learning. Use the Jamf School Teacher payload to configure settings and management capabilities. 49% This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the features in Jamf School Teacher (the Teacher app). Enhance classroom management with the teaching tool that allows students to access specific apps and websites on their iPads during set hours, Create and start lessons by allowing students to only access apps and websites specifically needed for the lesson during the class time, Configure how long restrictions can be set on student devices and during what specific timeframe, Remove restrictions set by the app using a mass action or remote command. Bildungseinrichtungen in mehr als 50 Ländern vertrauen derzeit bereits auf Jamf School. Außerdem werden hier die Token für die Kommunikation von jamf | SCHOOL mit dem DEP und dem VPP heruntergeladen und auf den MDM-Server übertragen. Der Apple School Manager-Administrator deiner Bildungseinrichtung richtet deinen Accountnamen ein. Jamf helps organizations succeed with Apple. November 2020 - Informieren Sie sich über das Event und darüber, wie Sie an Tickets gelangen. Login. Es handelt sich um eine speziell entwickelte MDM (Mobile Device Management) Lösung für den Bildungsbereich. Visit jamf.com to discover why more than 11 million students and educators are empowered by Jamf every day. This content cannot be displayed without JavaScript.Please enable JavaScript and reload the page. Hallo, ich versuche seit Tagen ein Test-iPad als Share iPad zu konfigurieren. Es handelt sich um ein webbasiertes Portal für IT-Administratoren, mit dem diese Benutzer, Geräte und Inhalte zentral betreuen können. All rights reserved. y.ata. Jamf Pro Teacher appJamf Teacher Easy to use, easy to integrate. So können die Vorteile beider Systeme praktischerweise gemeinsam genutzt werden. 28. The ZuluDesk Teacher app description says : Important: ZuluDesk Teacher has been integrated into the main ZuluDesk app. Using the intuitive interface, you can restrict which apps students can access on their device, keep students focused during class by creating Lessons that allow or restrict certain apps and websites, answe… Jamf School Student also empowers students by allowing them to perform simple management tasks like update apps, iOS, and more. Jamf Pro Teacher appJamf Teacher Easy to use, easy to integrate. Make sure the “ZuluDesk Teacher” feature of this group is set to “Deny”! The Jamf Teacher app for Jamf Pro's intuitive and simple interface can enhance classroom management, allowing teachers to help their students focus on the lesson in front of them. Jamf School Teacher ergänzt die Classroom App von Apple. Fernwartung von iPads, Betreuung und Administration von Apple School Manager und Jamf School (f.k.a. Tausende von Produkten sind sogar empfehlenswert. Jamf School – mobile device management focused on education. If you're diving into Apple device management for the first time, let this comprehensive guide explain the basics so you can help your organization or school get the most out of its technology initiative. For more information, see Quick Action Commands for Device Management. The dummy teacher will only be logged in if the managed app configuration gets re-pushed, which should happen on every check-in or change you've made in the management system. Jamf School Teacher empowers teachers, by letting them manage in conjunction with the Jamf School Student app. Offer students and teachers flexibility, choice and increased engagement with the Jamf Teacher app for Jamf Pro: a teacher tool in the form of a free iPad app that gives teachers basic management of their students’ school-issued devices and admins management of who can manage student devices and when. Documento técnico: The Jamf Teacher app for Jamf Pro. im deutschen Bildungswesen 2020 Stand der Digitalisierung um die Digitalisierung an ihrer Schule oder 61% Bildungseinrichtung umzusetzen. „Jamf-School Teacher“ Online Übersicht Login Der Anmeldebildschirm ist ganz einfach gestaltet. To learn more about how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information, please visit our Privacy Policy. Create a Teacher group: In Jamf School go to “Users & Groups” -> “Groups” Click on “Add Group” Enter the desired group name and an optional description in the popup that’ll appear; Click on the “Add Group” button; You will be directed to the newly created group details page. Gracias a su intuitiva interfaz web, implantar, proteger y realizar inventarios de dispositivos Mac, iPad y iOS nunca había sido tan sencillo.

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